Acting for Camera Classes
Prestige offers awesome Acting for Camera classes for ages 5-17. These classes are some of our acting student’s favorites and many take both Theater and Camera classes to build their training resumes. Students will be instructed on how to audition and perform in front of a camera, which requires a different skill-set than stage productions. They will have the opportunity to learn and perfect both commercials and movie scenes as the instructor guides them with stage direction while shooting them from different angles. Each week will be a different script/activity to keep the children engaged as they create new characters. After several “takes” they will have the opportunity to showcase their best acting performances meticulously edited for the audience. In the end, they will get to watch their work on the big screen as family and friends look on in awe. The final product is always something the children look forward to and builds on their self-esteem and confidence as a performer.

Acting For Camera Criteria:
-How shooting for camera works
-Some history/discussions of great films from the silent film era to modern day cinema
-Body language and movement on camera
-The tricks of the trade: camera angles
-Reading scripts
-Memorizing lines
-Group scenes
-Emotions on camera
-Working off other actors/actresses
-The importance of scores for films
-The audition process